Looking in. A change of perspective.
My take on the theme? Looking in through a kaledioscope. Not the kind with all sorts of colour. This is a kaleidoscope that is more like a many-faceted lens… distorting my view.
Travel with me to visit the fabulous Amanda Jouppi, Chippewa Falls Photographer to find out what inspired her this week.
Very Cool- almost so much that it’s creepy, but I love it. I thought it was a bald man at first!
ooh, very interesting! great perspective 🙂
Very interesting, I had no idea what it was at first… I love stuff like that, I also happen to love kaleidoscopes!
Amy – I just saw what you are talking about! Ha ha ha!
creepy, cool, ingenious, expertly done, imaginative…..you nailed them all with this one!
great job Jenn! I love your perspective! so creative!
SO very cool!!! You are so creative. I love this!!
you are cone of the coolest chicks I know! this is so creative and kind of creepy at the same time. had no idea what it was at quick glance. love your imagination.