It’s Week 26 and the halfway point of my 365 days of gratitude project. Here are the things that I am thankful for this week:
Day 176 – I am thankful for flour. I love to bake and this is the ultimate necessity.
Day 177 – I am thankful for my tomato seedlings and seeing their leaves form. They have changed a lot since last week when they were just seeds in the soil.
Day 178 – I am thankful for pumpkin seeds.
Day 179 – I am thankful for my new marketing pieces.
Day 180 – I am thankful sparkle and shine.
Day 181 – I am thankful for this delicate piece. I can’t wait to use it in one of my next sessions.
Day 182 – I am thankful for St. Patrick’s Day. We celebrated with some yummy cupcakes and cookies 🙂
Great series of shots. I love the sprinkles especially. Wish I could see your new marketing pieces in person 🙂