It’s week 29 of my 365 days of gratitude project. Here are the things that I am thankful for this week:
Day 197 – I am thankful to see grass… even if it is brown.
Day 198 – I am thankful for this pair of pigeons. They have been here since I have lived here… and maybe even longer.
Day 199 – I am thankful for wildlife. There’s big game and little critters all over the place here. Today, it was a herd of elk that stopped by for a visit. These are just a couple of the elk from the group.
Day 200 – I am thankful that this stuff is melting. Slowly, but surely.
Day 201 – I am thankful to share my love of photography.
Day 202 – I am thankful for popped popcorn with zero kernels. This new popper is fantastic 🙂
Day 203 – I am thankful for spring inspiration. I love seed catalogues and all their beautiful colours.
love those elk!!